Questions which have been discussed during the symposium, have a global, universal meaning. Moral values of war, possession of guns into the third millennium, shows now, and will show in the future a great relationship of peace and war, of violence and non violent means of development paths of education of people. Using this non-peaceful path you can get bring about extremely large, planet-wide damage to its population, using the highest criteria of violence and influence on its civilization.
Therefore my speech deals with an examination of spiritual warfare of military people as a whole and religions-moral aspects as individuals.
This question, from the Christian point of view, presents itself as a universal one for all modern military forces, for each Christ-fearing military war and does not need a concrete historic illustration. Religious teachings of various Christian confessions provide a big influence at understanding the basis of Christian morale, but didn't influence them. More often you can see differences of national ethical systems between various countries, including also a moral basic difference of the nation.
Therefore, in this speech I will try to explain the main points for defense of our nation's Christian moral ideals and apply their understanding of military people, understand common and especially in writing of military ethics of common national and spiritual-moral potential of participating military believers in the military defense of our country.
Topics considered:
Additional breakdowns by industrial areas, and other criteria.
Therefore, important social institutions: Army, church, government-shows big influence on the spiritual world of the defense of the country, priority aspect as citizen and member of the church.
The same you can see in another public function of war: the military person is at the same time a member of civilian society: the head of family and father, husband and son, member of collective, etc. All this side connects with sociality nature. Each social structure necessarily has a spiritual-moral base their existence and their activity on the imperative. At hierarchical level of moral-spiritual values of war is different from the government in families. The remaining role in this social institute is played by the military person himself through his unique spiritual walk. He creates personal hierarchy of values. Social institutions elect him, but he does not choose the social institute.
Examples of Russian evangelization.
What is described in church is different in the eyes of the church. Christian courage shows courage in the face of death, and not to simply hang onto life. Therefore, he who wastes his life in useless activity and boasts about accomplishments is working against the Word of God. There are various examples of military who died with proud heart but not with strong faith. From Luke 3:12-14 we read: And some tax-gatherers also came to be baptized and they said to him, :Teacher, what shall we do?" And he said to them, "Collect no more than what you have been ordered to." And some soldiers were questioning him, saying "And what about us, what shall we do?" And he said to them. "Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages.
As military men, we should not shirk our responsibilities, nor work for our own profit, maintain your duty. Defend other people from offence, and we should not be offensive. Maintain order and maintain life, and not destroy it. May they so they so serge God and justice.
We live in age of peaceful pluralism. Therefore I would like to end my speech with this question:Is this spiritual-moral way of defense of the country different from the human point of view of spiritual-moral issues. I hope sincerely you can answer it.
Thank you for your attention.
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